Briefly In English

SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health is a Finnish umbrella organization of 200 social affairs and health NGO members and dozens of partner members.
SOSTE works for the health and wellbeing of all people. With our members and partners, SOSTE is building the foundation for social wealth, health, opportunities of participation and a fair, responsible society. A socially bound, healthy and genuinely participatory society creates success. This idea forms the basis of our ideology: the wellbeing economy.
Investments in wellbeing and health are long-term joint decisions, and NGO’s must have a strong role in implementing them. Our goal is to increase the impact of social and healthcare organizations in society and achieve a situation where the implementation of the preconditions for a good life are realized for all. We operate on regional, national and international level.
SOSTE was founded 2012 by the Association of Voluntary Health, Social and Welfare Organisations (YTY), Finnish Federation for Social Welfare and Health (STKL) and Finnish Centre for Health Promotion (Tekry). SOSTE’s Secretary General is Vertti Kiukas (M.A.) and the Chairman is Kari Välimäki.

NGOs and Climate Change
SOSTEs statement for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on Human Rights and Climate Chance delivered on 30th October 2020. Read the statement. Read more about The role of social and health NGOs in enhancing climate responsibility in Finland.
Wellbeing economy
The wellbeing economy may be perceived both as a vision of the future economic and social model and as a certain, already existing sector of our society. The term coined by SOSTE and Finnish social and health NGOs. Read more about wellbeing economy.

SOSTEs theses for European Parliament election 2019
- EU policy strengthens inclusion, sustainable social development and engages everyone.
- Free and strong civil society is a prerequisite for a democratic Europe.
Future of Europe
Future of Europe is an article collection to stimulate debate and advocacy activities relating to social and health issues at EU level. It is published in February 2019 by SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health. Read Future of Europe – Reforming the policies of the European Union.

Latest In English
The Situation of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Finland, SOSTE seminar report
Citizens’ wellbeing is the cornerstone of a strong and prosperous Europe
The role of social and health NGOs in enhancing climate responsibility in Finland
Wellbeing economy is an economy that works for people
Building the Transition Together: WEAll’s Perspective on Creating a Wellbeing Economy
The recent policy proposals and research of international organizations from the perspective of wellbeing economy
Finnish social and health sector NGOs promoting Wellbeing Economy during Finland’s EU presidency